Letter to Him... | Teen Ink

Letter to Him...

December 12, 2013
By Anonymous

To be completely honest when you first came to school it was all a joke when i asked you to be my best friend, but then in time without me even knowing it, i started to like you.. so much that it scared me. You shared so much of your life with me. We had lunch almost everyday, and you would come to see me in the hall during passing period and eventually, i even started skipping class for you and i started to feel like one of those silly high school girls who was dating a guy who everyone dissaproved of, and again to be honest... i liked it(: And i remember the first time you kissed me in the library. I remember all the silly little things from how you held my face in your hands, to the "Automobiles At Their Finest" book on the shelf next to us. I remember all those small things, like the cheesy little boy smile you got on your face after i pulled away. I especially remember feeling my face flush and butterflies flying around crazy in my tummy as i hugged you. To you it probably was nothing more than a kiss with some silly highschool girl. and you probably went home and went to bed and went on with your life, and forgot all about it. But to me it was a kiss with an amazing guy who i was trying so hard not to fall for. and i went home and layed on my bed and replayed that moment in my head over and over again grining from ear to ear like a dork.(: But then the most horrible thing happened.. i went to school and waited in the hallway like i usually did and waited to see you walk down the hall. but you never came. At first i didnt think anything of it because i figured you were sick or running late. so i went back to class. but then again the next day, a no show. i just left it alone, but then a few days turned into a few weeks and you werent back. so i gave up looking for those blue jeans and cowboy hat in the halls, because i knew they'd never come. Then when i got invited to your bonfire, i made a way to come, just so i could see you. you had told me that you liked me and that you didnt know if i would be able to fit your lifestyle, so i had prepped myself all day so i could come to the bonfire and tell you exactly how i felt about you. but then when i got there, you were so f***ed up that i didnt tell you because i figured it would be pointless, considering you probably wouldnt remember me being there. which was true, because you dont remember me being there or even coming to say hey and give you a hug. But those couple weeks you just dissappeared, i had wished i did tell you. Then one day i got a message that you were at school, and i pretty much sprinted down the hall to see you. i was so happy and i gave you the biggest hug when i finally found you. i was so happy and i felt amazing, but then you told me you were leaving town and moving and i was happy for you at the time and i smiled because i didnt want you to see the tears, but as soon as i got home and layed on my bed, the same bed i had smiled like crazy for you over, is the same bed i shed tears for you also. i cried so much i thought i had no tears left to cry. i had cried for more than the fact that you were moving, i cried because those fears i had about the feelings i was starting to have, became true. now skip to present day and a lot has changed between you and i. like the first time i went to hectors, it was for you. because you had posted a status saying that " You need to get over here like right now, because right now, you are the only reason i would stay" and me being the stupid silly high school girl i am, i thought it was about me so i found a way to hectors. but then before the night even started, ashley made it pretty clear that it wasnt about me, and that you didnt even like me to begin with. so i left you alone and backed off, not wanting to look more stupid than i probably already did... i remember that night so well for 3 reasons, one being the fact my heart was completely crushed, the other reason being that was the night you and i had sex... at the time i was okay with it, because i figured ashley was wrong, and you did like me. so i let it happen because i liked you and i was thrilled. but then i came to find out that you were just drunk... and still to this day you dont remember that night because you were f***ed up.. you believe me, and thats great, but you probably dont even remember the words you said to me.. but i do all too clearly. which brings me to the third reason on why i remember that night. because that night was also the night you told me you thought you were falling in love with me... but now to todays latest news... you are falling hard for my best friend, and to be truthful i am so jealous, and i know i pushed you to talk to her and like her, but in reality it was because i was still trying to get over you so i figured that it would be easy to pawn you off to her... because to tell you my last truth stephen, the reason it is so hard for me to see you with her, is because i honestly think i fell in love with you. so now i need time to move on and get over you, i knw it probably wont happen over night, so im trying to move on and i want you to be happy with aishiah, and i want aishiah to be happy with you. i will always be here for you as your best friend tho, and dont forget that(:

The author's comments:
this is the letter i wrote to someone i think i fell inlove with, but never got the chance to share

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