A Writer Is... | Teen Ink

A Writer Is...

December 5, 2013
By LoTiffany SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
LoTiffany SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a writer you write to express yourself or write from someone else’s point of view. When you are writing you are not just telling a story but also you write to prove a point. Most people write because writing can be creative in its own way. To be a writer you have your own style of writing. Most writers just write poetry or just books, but every writer has their own reason on why they write.

Writing is not just all about how the author feels when writing, but also how they want the reader to fee; when reading it. When writing you always wants to use detail to tell your story and it can be the simplest detail. For example, my pencil gently touched the paper as I wrote. As I write it’s a relief because I’m expressing myself in different kinds of ways. Writing can have so much meaning behind it and most readers wouldn’t even know.

When people read books they always question what the author’s purpose was. In reality nobody really knows the purpose. Most authors that write tell stories that really happened in their life and the readers wouldn’t even know. It could be on an experience of an accomplishment, when I write I want there to be a purpose behind it and I want my readers to understand where I am coming from.

Most people that don’t write think writing is boring, or even a waste of time. What most people don’t understand is that writer’s write to inspire people or even make them laugh. I would write in class when I got bored just anything that would come to the top of my head. Writing is a leaf on top of a log; it can sit there all day and have so much meaning for its presence.
Writing lifts a building up off of your shoulders. It can even bring happiness to a rose. I remember as a kid I loved to write I had a diary that my grandmother gave me and I wrote in it everyday. Now-a-days they don’t even give little girls a diary because they done came out with technology for those kinds of things. Writing can be fun and I know writers would want people to know that.

The author's comments:
This is bascially something I wrote to tell my opinion on what a writer is.

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