The Quiet One | Teen Ink

The Quiet One

November 20, 2013
By Chiikii_ SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Chiikii_ SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
no one can take away your pain so dont let anyone take away your happiness

I hear the whispers in the back of the room. “Look at him”. “What is he wearing”? As the boy sitting there thinks if only they knew that I understand what they’re saying. Everyday this goes on the kids whisper about him, make fun of him and think he doesn’t understand English when in reality he does.

The boy sits there and listens to what they say about him every day and doesn’t say anything. The kids laugh at him thinking it’s funny. People think that this boy doesn’t suffer enough because he doesn’t know a lot of English but also everyone making fun of him. Yes he is different and nothing is wrong with that.
Who ever said that being different was wrong. He may have an accent when he talks. But just because he has an accent doesn’t mean that he is weird or not normal. He is just as normal as all of us. Why mock someone because they have an accent or look different. Just because he doesn’t say anything and stays quiet doesn’t mean his feelings aren’t getting hurt. He has feelings just like the rest of us.

The boy may not know English well or look the same as everyone else but he is one thing that none of those kids that mock him are kind. This boy is unique. He may have a funny accent but he is smart and can do the same things that everyone else can. He tries to fit in but you guys make it hard because all your comments and can’t accept that he can be different.

This boy remains silent and listens to the whispers of his classmates mocking him. He has nothing to say. He tries to fit in and be normal like everyone else but he can’t because no one takes the time to get to know him or just sit there and mock him because he doesn’t speak English.

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