The Twin Life | Teen Ink

The Twin Life

November 15, 2013
By Quel_4 BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Quel_4 BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are you guys twins? Being a twin you get asked that various times. One in thirty babies in the U.S is a twin (Bakalar). Being a twin is seen through various perspectives depending on who is observing, whether it is an outsider or the person who has a twin themselves. I for one am a twin identical to be exact therefore know that being a twin can have its perks as well as its downfalls. Being a twin is definitely bittersweet.

Some perks of being a twin would be having someone there through the highs and the lows. When you’re sad or need someone to share a laugh with you always have someone to go to. Another benefit is you can confuse others and switch places. Whether at the store or walking around the park you attract attention from strangers most will stare eyeing you like a hawk before asking are you guys twins? For example once a girl went ballistic after finding out my sister and I are twins, She reacted by saying “I can’t even look at you guys” and ran off. It’s weird because we don’t pay much attention to the fact that we’re twins, until someone points it out. Another highlight would be having someone who has experienced and lived through everything with you whether it’s the first days of school or dealing and growing up with the same crazy family, you have someone there that understands because they too have lived that experience. You always have someone else’s closet you can go through, someone with who you have millions of memories and inside jokes, and someone who will always have your back.

Downfalls of having a twin would be the questions that come along with it most are silly and obvious. Questions like what’s it like being a twin? Or are you guys close? For the first we really don’t know how to answer we've never known any different it’s as if asking what’s it like not being a twin? Or are you and your siblings close? And for the second of course we’re close it shouldn't be very shocking, we do almost everything together. Another downfall is you argue a lot! Like cats and dogs as my mother would put it. As you get older it lessens but it’s childish and ridiculous because five minutes later we find something to tell each other or find something to laugh about. Comparisons are also annoying and critical, who’s prettier, smarter, or funnier? You’re never distinguished as an individual. For example if one gets in trouble the other one gets in trouble too. Or if one isn't allowed to go out then the other one isn't either.

All in all just like everything else being a twin comes with its downfalls. In this case the perks usually outnumber the downfalls. Having a twin is like having a lifelong best friend.

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on Nov. 22 2013 at 4:10 pm
princessrachel GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
17 articles 2 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have to be willing to sacrifice who you are for what you can become.

This was a really great piece of work! You did a good job writing and expressing the way you feel. I have two really good friends who are twins and about a week or so ago they switched places in school & the teachers didn't know, it was the best! I love twins, but I never feel the need to point it out. I think you are right, it's a true blessing and is like having a best friend for the rest of your life!