Living in a Foreign Country | Teen Ink

Living in a Foreign Country

October 31, 2013
By kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought about living alone in a foreign country? When you leave your family, alone to a strange country, you can imagine such a life? I came from Hong Kong, About 2 months ago I came to America be an exchange student. Life here is very different from where and who I live with. Let me tell you how my life is.

When I took a plane to come to the United States, the first problem had emerged. I sat on window seat, people who sit next to me all speak English. At that time, my English is not possible to communicate with people. When I was ordering food or need to leave the seat I just can use simple words and body movements to express. Language problems are still plaguing me now. Think back first day of school, that day was kind of ridiculous, I met with the school guidance. She asked what subjects I would like to take, I don’t even know how to answer her, and I just knew I wanted to take a subject about music. So she just chose different subjects for my schedule. My first lesson is biology, this class is simply torture to me. Throughout the class I don’t even understand a single word. Needless to say the other lessons. Language problems also makes it hard to make friends, is hard to me to use English open a conversation. It makes me hard to recognize a true friend.

When you go to different countries will definitely have this problem: food. In these two months, I eat mostly meat. This makes me feel uneasy. I do not understand why here's food culture the main food is meat, this is totally inconsistent with the food pyramid. In my country, we regard rice or noodles as a food staple. In addition, we have soup for the first step of dine. We also have vegetable and meat too, but meat just is a small part for a meal. Finally, we will eat fruit as the end, with compensatory nutrition. In a short span of two months, I have felt a change in my body, digestive capacity gradually deteriorated. I hope to change that.

Finished telling you bad things let me tell you something good. I came here in addition to learn different cultures, is to learn music. In Hong Kong, we can’t take music class at school, also creative industries in Hong Kong, there is no future. That’s make me want to came to America. Like I said, I take the music class at school, I'm enjoying every music class. The happiest thing in life is to do what you love to do, this is what I want. Regardless of where to go to continue to do the things you love to do, which is to give you the greatest driving force in life.

Wherever you go, you must have problems. Inevitably, you will get culture shock, just take your time to adapt it. If you have any question, don’t keep in your mind, find someone who can talk to you to help you go through it, don’t give up. Moving in a foreign country is not kidding, make sure you really want ready to do it. Find a way to live in another country!

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