This Generation of Mine | Teen Ink

This Generation of Mine

October 23, 2013
By Anonymous

My generation is a generation of sex, money, drugs, and alcohol.
My generation is the generation, where the decrease of our population comes from discrimination and a bullet becomes a soul taker and innocent lives have been stolen.
My generation? You mean the generation where young “men” hang on corners and sell drugs, and think that they’re men, or where young “women” think that getting pregnant at age 13, 14, or 15 makes them a woman? Some barely finish school, and the ones, who don’t, simply don’t care, I watched the cold hard stare he gave before he pulled the trigger I couldn’t figure how his mother tried her best, no time to rest, three jobs, 4 kids and trying to study for her G.E.D test, none the less, her 2nd youngest goes out and makes his money the only way he seems to know how, following the steps of his older brother who’s in and out of jail mama can’t make bail, rent is behind and she just wants to yell, two weeks later tears stroll down her face as she watches her son lying in his casket, her mind strolls as she seems to figure out how she seemed to get distracted, her son is gone and there’s no bringing him back, back 7 shots where they shot him at...drug deal gone wrong, too high for the crack.
The generation of sin, I guess that’s where it all begins, parents letting their kids out…Partying, drugs, sex and gin.
My generation is a selfish generation, yea I’ll admit it. I remember when my cousin committed suicide, I’ll never forget it. How could he be so selfish to take his life away and leave us here to try to heal our broken hearts, my generation holds grudges and we forget what love is instead of getting ripped apart.
My generation is the next generation, who will generate into something positive no matter what’s negative, no matter what misconceptions are against us.

The author's comments:
We teenagers face a lot of misconceptions, so my main goal in this piece, was to focus on the misconceptions about teenagers.

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