Younglife Camp | Teen Ink

Younglife Camp

October 17, 2013
By Cody Hedger BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Cody Hedger BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Myself,

I will always remember that day, that glorious, beautiful day. Class five waves smashing onto our raft like pitiless tsunamis. Deathly boulders on each side of us smirking with vicious attitude. That split second where death looked me into the eyes. The day that started the best week of my life.

As we finally arrived to the mountains of Virginia on our destination to a camp called Rockbridge, we stopped to go white water rafting. Let me tell you something; don't ever go white water rafting after flash floods unless you wanna go against some gnarly waves. Terrified, our instructor began to tell us that these are some of the biggest waves he has ever rafted on, and of course me and my friend Brandon were chosen to be put in the front of the raft. Spearing through numerous wave classes that they had exotic names for, we finally came to the last big wave. This thing was gigantic. I shot a glance at Brandon and we could see in each others eyes that we were secretly crying on the inside. Grasping tight to my paddle, the wave trampled over me like a bulldozer. I was immediately propelled off the raft, over Brandon's head.
Before I go on, let me tell you about Brandon. He is a pretty big dude. I think he might actually live in the weight room to be honest. From his biceps to his traps you can tell he plays football (also because that's all he talks about). He is one of those guys that will be the first to try and show off his body strength.

As I am tossed off the raft into this inglorious wave, I can feel myself about to be sucked in and a victim to these unwelcoming rocks. But right before that nightmare had the chance to creep into my life , Brandon pulled me back onto the raft with a paddle in one hand and myself in the other. It was a beautiful moment to say the least, a moment that started a bond between me and him.

After the rafting had come to an end, we gathered back on the bus and headed to the camp. Arriving at this place had me feeling like I was at Hogwarts. Yeah, it was pretty magical. The scenery was beautiful. The camp fit ever so perfectly between the mountains that are the Appalachia's. Large cabins the size of houses were scattered throughout the camp in great fashion. A very delicate lake was placed in the middle of the camp along with a blob and tw0 enlarged water slides, all in perfect harmony. Next to the lake there was a gorgeous "L" shaped pool alongside a majestic hot tub made for 20. Oh yes, I enjoyed that hot tub very much.

Over the week I formed a great bond with my friends and had a blast doing so. It was the longest and by far the greatest week I have ever had. A lot of people wanted to make bracelets because bracelets are cool and stuff. I made the bracelet that I still wear to this day. Its more than just a bracelet to me. Its a memory that I will never forget. A memory full of joy, excitement, anxiety, fear, and compassion.

Your friend,

The author's comments:
I like turtles.

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