flipping | Teen Ink


October 7, 2013
By Sean Buck BRONZE, Royal Oak, MI, Michigan
Sean Buck BRONZE, Royal Oak, MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever heard of "disrespecting the pouch"? Well, I have... One day I saw a capri sun commercial and a guy rode over the pouch with his bike and some stupid thing happened to him. Because I was around 5 at the time, I thought the same thing would happen to me too.

So me being 5, I tried to hurt myself. So I took a Capri sun out of the fridge and got my bike out of the garage. As I was rolling my bike to the starting point, I threw the pouch down, and acted all cool.

At this point in time I thought I was on top of the world and also was thinking that I was the coolest kid on the block, despite the fact that I was the only kid that lived on the block... but thats beside the point.

After all that going on in my head, I hit my head on a fence, and that crushed all the feelings of pride in me.

So I gathered my emotions and turned around, facing the pouch, eying it like prey. So I got on my bike yelled "charge!" and missed it. after that I just thought "great, now i feel even more degraded than before!" but I still tried again, and this time I stopped right on top of it, and with a screeching halt, I realized that I had pulled the front brake.

After pulling the wrong brake I screamed out in unison with both my parents "Oh..." but then I hit the ground, so I couldn't finish my sentence as well as my parents did.

Soon after I thought I was OK, I wasn't, I just wasn't having a very good day. In fact, this was the first time I had a semi-almost-kind of painful moment I had in maybe 1 or 2 days. Then I saw the bike land on my back.

After about half of a minute of whining, I realized that the bike missed me and I was OK.

So, I got up and drank the non exploded capri sun.


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