My Life? | Teen Ink

My Life?

September 27, 2013
By Christopher Flores BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Christopher Flores BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

School for me has pretty much been purgatory. Through almost all of elementary school and middle school I was bullied. I was bullied to the extent where I was depressed, wanted to self-harm, self-harmed, and wanted to commit suicide. In elementary school, I was obese and year after year I would get bullied just because of my weight. It was subtle at first but increased rapidly.

My life after about 5th grade, I had it. I started to eat less and less; it hurt like a lion clawing at my stomach. My mom asked, “Have you been eating?” I replied, “Yes, I eat as much as I should everyday”. She looks at me doubtfully and says, “Okay Chris”. When elementary school was over with, I wasn’t even skinny and was depressed because nothing would work as hard as I tried. I’ve actually been to 3 different elementary schools because of relocation of my mom’s job. A majority of the bullying happened in my hometown Lancaster.

In Bakersfield, I went to two different elementary schools called Discovery & Veterans elementary, the bullying was minimal there. Then, middle school came around the corner and I thought it would’ve been a walk in the park. I was completely wrong. Sixth grade was somewhat easy and I don’t think I was really bullied. I had a lot of friends in middle school and everyone knew me and still does.

Yet, 7th and 8th grade were probably the hardest years of my life so far. The victimization was intense. I was bullied for being fat and some people thought I was gay so that was another factor. I sometimes would go outside and pray that it would all end soon. The pain I felt inside was so pervasive. I lost a lot of weight between those 2 years. I self-harmed so much in 7th & 8th grade. I’d have lines up and down my arms. I regret having so many scars across my body. My emotions were manipulative to me. But, in the end I finally spoke up and gained control of my life!

The bullies bothered me no more, I started eating & exercising healthy, and I was a lot more independent and strong. I learned not to be so reactive, but proactive with how I coped with issues. Lastly, high school came and surprisingly I’ve had no drama all of freshman year and so far no drama sophomore year? How long will this last?

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on Sep. 29 2013 at 8:40 pm
SpidersAcrossStars PLATINUM, Hayward, California
36 articles 0 photos 160 comments

Favorite Quote:
For you, a thousand times over.

Bravo. Keep going man. The good guys always win in the end