High school seniors, there's no way of escaping regret | Teen Ink

High school seniors, there's no way of escaping regret

June 28, 2013
By SuperCeline BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
SuperCeline BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The summer before senior year. I can't help but recall so many events from the past three years of high school. Choices that seemed insignificant at the time I made them are coming back with a vengeance. It's easy to regret things that I did and opportunities that I missed over these few years.

Now to clarify, I'm not some troubled teenager who got mixed up with the wrong crowd, dealt with a bad home life, or made a string of wrong decisions that have hurt those around me. I'm incredibly blessed to be surrounded by people who love me and encourage me to be my best.

My academic record is solid, and I enjoy pursuing passions outside of school as well. I've never rebelled, nor felt compelled to go against my parents. I'm what my friends call “innocent” and “squeaky clean.” I don't care to be in a relationship, and I've never dealt with the aftermath of a nasty breakup. I, at least for now, wouldn't mind being a celibate for the rest of my life. Okay, the last part was a little strange, but you get the point. Back to the topic, it just doesn't make sense for me to feel all of this regret. If someone who has tried to do all of the right things can't leave high school without that empty feeling of regret, there is hope for no one.

Fortunately, I've come to the conclusion that regret is just all part of the high school experience. For every person who regrets working too hard in high school, there is someone else who regrets not trying hard enough. Yes, regret sucks, but it makes us who we are. High school students need to unite as we share this phase in our lives, transitioning into adults and taking on more responsibilities. Without regret, how can we mature? How can we learn from our mistakes? I would be worried if the next generation of adults had no regrets. Then, the world might as well be run by a bunch of high school students!

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