Future | Teen Ink


June 3, 2013
By Anonymous

I am a kid from a small town with big ideas, big like the state of Texas. I am well on my way to being a successful business man but boy do I need the educational structure of TCU! Here is how it all started, in 7th grade I began selling candy bars at school. My cost was 5 bars for a $1 and I sold them for $2 a piece, kids didn't buy them just because they wanted a sugar fix they bought them because I was the seller, they wanted what I had to offer. Why, you ask? Well it is what my mother coined early on as the "special" sounds silly doesn't it, but I was born with it. Selling candy bars was just the beginning, I setup tailgate selling, used craigslist, and e-bay. Believe it or not I sold the shirt off my back on several occasions. To put it bluntly I have the ability to get people interested, not in a used car salesman way but by actually researching my product thoroughly, marketing, and using natural relating skills to find a commonality of interest.

Human nature is so fascinating there were times when I was on a roll or tired and somewhat curt with people they would call me rude but turn around and come back for the purchase, I want to learn WHY? My family is full of entrapenuers of all types and I have participated in their business circles regularly my abilities can span the spectrum of economic and social arenas, I have many skills and interests and I don't just want to make money, that is easy, I want to do something that people want to talk about. Recently I researched a company that sold shorts for men called Chubbies their website is incredibly funny and the product is deluxe I bought 3 pair, they can't keep up with their sales, I have these kind of ideas floating around in my head and they will come out in force with a TCU education. Pick me, pick me, here is a picture of me with my TCU purple chubbies and the t-shirt I bought when visiting the campus in October.

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