For the First Time | Teen Ink

For the First Time

May 22, 2013
By AnnyMarie BRONZE, Phildelphia, Pennsylvania
AnnyMarie BRONZE, Phildelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When they called my name, I froze right in place. I wanted to back out so badly, maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I should tell them I lost my voice….or maybe I’ll just do it. I got up, handed them my CD with one instrumental song on it. For my audition I was going to sing Skyscraper by Demi Lovato.
I stepped on the stage and walked to the microphone on the center of the stage. I looked up and the stage lights blinded me, I soon got my vision back and saw the four ‘judges’ in front of me. They asked me a few questions and then asked me to sing the song. I gulped down the lump in my throat and took a deep breath.
I sang as they watched me intently. I sang the first note that started off soft and as the song builded up, my voice builded up as I got nervous when I got to the one part I changed. My heart and ached as it pounded shamelessly against my chest so loud, I swore they could hear it over the music and my voice combined.
When I sang the part I changed they started talking amongst each other, it caused me to go off pitch and start shaking a little and my knees felt like jello. My breath hitched in the back of my throat as I finished the song, I was breathing heavily as if I just finished running a 5 mile marathon. They wrote down some stuff and looked up at me smiling. They all thanked me as I thanked them back and wobbled off stage will my stiff-jello like legs.
I later found out that I didn’t make it through; I was obviously disappointed but then again it was my first time performing on stage, with a microphone, in front of ‘judges’ so I just decided to forget about since it was no big deal and it wasn’t something that would affect my future. I will still be pursuing my dream to sing but for now I will stick with a ‘real career’ and hopefully become a radiologist or marine biologist.

The author's comments:
My Personal Experience on what its like to perform for the first time

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