I Wish I Could Ask | Teen Ink

I Wish I Could Ask

May 22, 2013
By Anonymous

I took my phone in my hand, clicked on his name, and typed, “Hey, can I ask you something?”


Reply: “What?”

I thought for a moment, set it down, and stared. What did I want to ask him? I wasn't sure. Why did you leave? Why did you lie? Why didn't you just tell me the truth about what you did so I could just forgive you? Why didn't you let us move past it? Why did my pain have no end? Why do memories of you resurface in my mind every day? Why does your voice echo in my ears every night? Why do I think part of me still loves you even though I have convinced myself I have moved on? Why do you say you still love me? Why couldn't we just work “us” out? Why did we give up? Why did it have to end?

I took my phone in my hand, clicked on his name, and typed, “Nevermind.”

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