Cry no more | Teen Ink

Cry no more

May 30, 2013
By ash_always SILVER, Calcutta, Other
ash_always SILVER, Calcutta, Other
7 articles 14 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You shall love your crooked neighbor<br /> with your crooked heart - Auden

The winds lifted the shredded leaf,
Making it dance in the rain as it glided across the violent and horrific red sky.
Nature showered its wroth, yet the empty roads were raided by herds of small shirtless boys running in utter joy.
The sound of the thunder roared the city. And the damp smell of rain engulfed the city, on one ordinary monsoon day.
Kolkata experienced its first showers after months of suffering from a heat wave.

Somewhere, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, she sat on her balcony, on the 36th floor of the tallest towers of the city, and for the first time in her life, tears were hard to find.
She was drenched in the rain, yet movement was perhaps forgotten in the midst of recollection. She was numb by now. Numb not only externally, but also, and most definitely, from within. She had had enough. The only thing standing in her way to take the leap, was her mother, who, she thought, didn't matter anymore. But she knew she loved her. And just like her own condition, she was the only reason she hadn't pulled the plug on life. At the moment, the only warmth and comfort she felt was her red face which was aching for tears which were somewhere lost along the way.
a chain of unsettling events had allowed her view on life to take a turn for the worse. she had lost everything. And with this fact, dawned new realizations that what ever she had other than what she had lost, was never there in the first place. what do you do when you don't have any reason to hold on just that bit longer? when in one clean sweep, your entire world is swept beneath your feet and your left hanging somewhere in the middle, screaming in the silence which no one can hear, or even tried hearing. when faces become people you used to know. when your all alone.
She had been proved wrong in every dimension of her life she could think of. Her life was a lie. A lie she kept rewinding over and over again every second of her existence. A lie which to her and in her mind, was reality.
Thunder and lightning blazed across the sky. It was those rare moments were nature took part in portraying human emotions. She looked up at the tormented heavens and thought to herself, "why me?"

"why me?"
"why me?"
"why Me?", she screamed, letting out years of denial.

The tears didn't come easy. Rain dripped down her cheeks pretending to be tears, just like every other thing in her life pretended to be something it really wasn't.

And now, for once, all she wanted to do, was cry it out.

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