Just Win One Game! | Teen Ink

Just Win One Game!

May 12, 2013
By justin wain BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
justin wain BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cool Saturday night in Flushing Meadows, New York. My family and I were excited to watch some high-class tennis action. My family and I got tickets for Arthur Ashe Stadium for 7:30 pm. It was only 6:45 so we had some time to kill. We went to Louis Armstrong Stadium and we saw world no.8 Janko Tipseravic of Serbia playing world no.78 Ryan Harrison of America. Janko was winning 6-4, 6-2, and was serving to win the match at 6-5. Two aces from Janko and 2 unforced errors by Ryan gave Janko the match.

“DAD!!” I exclaimed, “It’s 7:20, I don’t want to be late”.

“Ok, chill out, lets go everyone,” he told us. My family and I walked into Arthur Ashe Stadium excited to watch an incredible match. Once we got into our seats, the commentators announced the players. Pablo Lorenzi of Italy took the court against the great Novak Djokovic. The five-minute warm-up passed and the match got under way. Novak Djokovic started to serve and he fires and ace. Then, 3 unforced errors by Pablo gave Djokovic a 1-0 lead. Pablo is serving, 15-0, 30-0.

“Come on Pablo, win this game!” I thought in my head. Pablo serves and Djokovic fires an incredible cross-court return off of a 130 mph serve!

“Man, he’s good,” I told my dad.

“No kidding, that’s why he no.1 in the world,” he replied. The score was 30-30. Pablo serves and the two men are just having a backhand rally. But Djokovic pulls the trigger and hits an insane backhand down the line. 30-40, break point for Djokovic. Pablo serves and the two men start having a forehand exchange. But Djokovic being a sly dog rips it down the line for a 2-0 lead. Then 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, and in 25 minutes, Djokovic took the first set 6-0!

The second set started and Djokovic broke at love to get a 1-0 lead.
“This match looks pretty one sided, Djokovic is gonna breeze through this guy,” I exclaimed to my dad. Djokovic held at love to secure the break for a 2-0 lead. Djokovic broke Pablo with a backhand cross-court winner for a 3-0 lead. Djokovic held at 40-15 to get a 4-0 lead. Pablo was broken again at 30-40 to give Djokovic a 5-0 lead. Djokovic fired an ace at 40-0 to win the second set 6-0 again!

“This match has only been going on for 45 minutes!” I exclaimed. “I want a refund of my money”!

“Don’t you mean my money?” my dad asked me.

“To shay,” I reply. The third set starts and Pablo is at 40-15. He fires an ace to hold for the first time in the match. He lifts his arms up to get the crowd pumped up. Then the crowd started saying, “Lets go Pablo”! Djokovic held to tie the score at 1-1. Pablo holds again to take a 2-1 lead!

“YEAH!!! COME ON PABLO!!!!” I exclaim. The 4th game starts and Pablo has a break point at 30-40. Djokovic comes to the net to volley, Pablo lobs him and Djokovic hits a tweener and Pablo hits it into the net. Djokovic stands there with his hands on his hips waiting for an applause. The crowd just sits there quietly and ignores Djokovic. Djokovic holds to tie the score at 2-2. But then Djokovic comes up with some magic and breaks for a 3-2 lead. “BOO!” goes the crowd. Djokovic holds at love for a 4-2 lead. Djokovic breaks at 15-40 to serve for the match. The players switch sides and the crowd is trying to pump Pablo up! Djokovic serves at 5-2, 40-15, two match points. Djokovic fires an ace to win the match 6-0; 6-0; 6-2. My family and I left Arthur Ashe Stadium disappointed, but we were glad that we were coming back tomorrow.

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