Life As I Know It | Teen Ink

Life As I Know It

February 27, 2013
By gina15softball BRONZE, Irwin, Pennsylvania
gina15softball BRONZE, Irwin, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be the change you want to be in the world

Life as I known it has forever changed. Life will go on we have no other choice. Yes it is a new beginning or a new chapter but everyone has something that makes them think about life. My life changing moment was on November 15th 2004 at 6:03 pm. That was the day I witnessed my brother get hit by a car. The day my life has forever changed.

It was a cool November day, a normal day for my family and I, my mom was celebrating her birthday, I was excited for many family members were coming over. My brother Michael on the other hand was not as excited, he was in quite a mood that day. He wanted to go across the street to his friend’s house but my parents protested it and after much begging they allowed him to go over for just a few hours. No one at that time would know that that was the last time we would see him as a healthy 13 year boy full of life and no worries that was the last time my family would be complete.

The party went on, until it was time to cut the cake, my mom decided to call my brother and make him come home for some cake, Michael did so very angrily. It was dark so my grandmother and I went to the end of the driveway to make sure Michael made it across safely. We were reassured when we saw his friend’s mom walking down with him to help him across the street Only later did we realize the problem was that she was there. There was only one problem we saw something she didn’t, we saw a car speeding down the road. We yelled for him to stop but he was mad so he paid no attention to us. That was the moment when the car violently hit him. Somehow we made it to the hospital which honestly I don’t even remember how, and after what seemed like year we were told some of the best and worst news of our lives, Michael had somehow escaped with his life, but was stricken with a brain injury that would change his and my life forever.

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