My first Day | Teen Ink

My first Day

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

I was geeked about going to boxing practice. At home I was thinking and worried about if I would like it or not. Soon as I opened the old wooden door it smelled a musty onion sour smell. As I walked in there, I seen a bunch of framed pictures on the wall with people with trophies and belts thats what hooked me I wanted trophies and belts like the people in the pictures.My dad called me over by some table and there was a very tall man his name is Dennis, his son is a pro and he helps out with the training. My Dad said “sign this paper” and I signed it. After that my dad left,I looked around and there was a lot of boxing bags with tape around them and they looked like crap, they were not the best bags and a big ring it had a lot of blood stains on it on the floor of the ring, it looked nasty. The wooden floors were not so bad but they were really squeaky and there was sweat on the floor. Dennis introduced me to my coach. He asked me “ what’s your name?” I said “Tino”. He just asked questions like that my age,my grade,and if I have any experience with boxing? After we talked he told me his name. His name is Johnathan but just call him John. He took me by a wall where there is a lot of mirrors. He asked if I was right or left handed and I said “right” and then he put me in a boxing stance with my right leg behind a little from my left foot and have my knees bent and in an angle and right hand by my cheek and left had kind of in front of my face.I felt weird I don’t know why but I just did. After I got my stance right he showed me how to throw a jab and then had me throw a jab but I didn’t throw it right he said I had to turn my hand fully when I threw my jab and I kept doing till I got used to the feeling and till I did it right. Soon as I got that right he had me throw a right I had to do the same thing but I had to move my waist and I got that good.Then he had me throw one two hook it took me a couple minutes before I got the hook right I did it till I got it right, I did it slow after I mastered it slow he had me do it fast, he said”I did good, now lets go on to the bag.” I did the same things on the bag but I moved around the bag and he showed me how to move my head side to side and block.I seen my friend Sosa and we talked he was wondering why I came to this gym and stuff and then he said that Bookie goes here too. I was happy I got main MOBs with me at practice. At the end of practice I liked it, I thought it was cool.My Dad came and picked me up aroud eight I was there for two hours practice started at six.In the car he asked me “if I liked it.” I said “yea but it stinks like booty in there” “you’ll get used to the smell” About a year or two after I won my first fight and then I got really good and won the J.O.’s. The Junior Olympics. Then won the silver gloves and became the champion and number one in my weight class. Six years later I became tired and bored of it I wanted to do a different sport I liked wrestling so i’m about to do wrestling as soon as it starts but ima still go to practice once a week but i’ll never fight again. The reason why is I just wanna chill with my boy’s and party#SQUAD!, and chill my girl and focus more on school and have a little vacation from sports for a little bit.

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