Buster | Teen Ink


December 13, 2012
By Brandon Duchaine BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Brandon Duchaine BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back when my family and I lived in our old house in the neighborhood of Hunter's Creek, we had a dog named Buster. Buster was an old dachshund who was about 11 years old when I was 3. One day, I was wandering around the house with sheer boredom when I came across Buster laying down on the arm o the couch. I wasn't thinking that anything was wrong with him and so I patted him on the back. Little did I know, Buster had a serious back problem that the family was unaware of. When I patted on his back Buster, without hesitating, lunged toward me and viscously bit my left cheek like it was his favorite chew toy. I instantly burst into tears and my mom came running and picked me up screaming. Everything after that was a blur to me. All I remember that I remember was the blood on my mom's shirt.

When I awoke I was in the hospital getting stitches. The stitches we totally unnecessary especially since they gave me an infection. After getting my stitches, I had to stay in the hospital for only three weeks but it felt like an eternity for a three year old child. During the time I spent in the hospital I gained some amazing memories. On the second day I was there, my dad's boss Mr. Joe, came by and gave me a box of toy dinosaurs which was my most favorite toys in the world. I played with those dinosaurs every single day that I was in that hospital for it was the only thing that would entertain my three year old mind. On the last day of my stay at the hospital , I was still playing with my dinosaurs when all of a sudden, I heard a helicopter. I was able to get up from my bed with my IV pole and walk out to the hallway where there was a big window. When I got to the window I was in disbelief. In front of me, was the hospital's helicopter about 25 yards away from the window. My first instinct was to wave at them but it was delayed for I was in such shock since it was an extraordinary sight. When I got to waving at them, I was able to see the pilot and the copilot wave right back at me.

When I was finally able to leave the hospital, the outside world looked a lot better than it did before since I was locked up in a hospital which was just plain white every single place I looked at. Before we went home, we had to pick up my older sister from my grandmother's because she was not allowed to stay at the hospital. When we arrived at our house, our parents told us that they had something very important to tell us. With the situation that was presented to my parents, they had to choice but to put Buster down. The decision wasn't made because of the damage afflicted upon me by him but because his back problem was giving him pain. Although it was one of the most saddest event that I experienced, I obtained some such amazing memories that I even remember to this day. Life after the news about Buster's death was slow. Everyone felt depressed and it was almost like I could feel sadness in the air. Eventually we moved on and 2 years later, we moved to a different neighborhood. Four months after we settled into the new house, we decided it was a good time to get another dog. Our new dog is named Hobie and I'm am one hundred percent sure that he won't hurt anyone in our family. When I healed, I got a scar, and every single day I see it and remember the day. Hobie isn't replacing Buster though because I don't believe that you can ever replace a best friend.

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