My Description Essay | Teen Ink

My Description Essay

November 30, 2012
By Anonymous

Lights are blinding me as a cool breeze kisses my skin. Chills rush down my spine, but they are not a result of being cold or scared. Instead, I am overcome with excitement and anticipation. My mind begins churning now, as it must recollect an extensive list of movements all at once. Suddenly, anxiety replaces the pleasant feelings I had before. Fear of forgetting what comes next almost paralyzes me. However, I have spent countless hours in preparation for this very moment, and all that I need to know has been engrained in my head. I could not forget these motions that I have repeated so many times before this even if I wished to. As this thought enters my mind I relax again and just enjoy the present.

Abruptly my ears perk up as I hear music pounding and reverberating off of the walls. Although this sound has been here all along, and subconsciously I knew it was there all along, it hit me like a brick wall. Earlier I was so focused that this sound could not penetrate my mind. Now my mind picks up every detail the song possesses; every drum beat, guitar strum, and synthetically made beat register in my mind. The music begins to fuel me like a carbonated, caffeine, and sugar filled drink that has just tricked down my throat. Motions surge out of my body at great and increasing speeds as the music continually gains momentum and escalates. I begin to move with more passion than I ever have before. All of my movements melt together like butter as they flow through the pores on my body. A glow radiates from me on the inside and out of the purest joy, and a towering weight is suddenly lifted off of my shoulders as I realize I can live in this instance right here, right now without a single care besides having the time of my life.

My body acts like a machine spewing out moves, as my bare toes brush and glide along the inflexible wooden surface below me. I feel as if I am floating back and forth across this confined space. The tempo of the thunderous music increases as I sprint from one side of this restricted space to the other. The oxygen is heavy in my chest from labored breathing, and I am as exhausted as if I had just sprinted a marathon. A hint of simulated smoke coats my throat leaving it with a burning sensation that makes breathing even more difficult. However, I am not able to display this discomfort. I instead must portray the emotion I feel from the song pounding through the speakers, but not doing so solely with my face. Also I must contort my body to narrate the story of the singer. My sole purpose in this moment of time is too convey this story that the singer speaks of to one thousand scrutinizing eyes in front of me. Also, I must thoroughly entertain these people watching me if I want to hear the coveted roaring at the end of the show.

As the song approaches its final verse, I bend myself into one final position. Suddenly there is a great adjustment in sound. Silence fills every crack and crevice of this space. However, this stillness only lasts a few milliseconds, for the audience begins up the coveted roaring. My lips curve upward as I realize all of the hard work and dedication I put into this, paid off immensely. Then almost instantaneously I am again blinded. However, this time it is not from an excessive amount of light, but instead it is from a lack of light. Arms outstretched, I must feel my way around to reach my next destination. Once in place, the scintillating lights are again poured down over my head and draped across the stage in a thick blanket. The crowd continues with its booming applause as I take a bow, and in this instance I realize how truly blessed I am to be performing with Dance Motion Performing Company.

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