Friends no longer | Teen Ink

Friends no longer

October 4, 2012
By Anonymous

Have you ever noticed that when you get older, some of your friends don’t talk to you anymore? Well it happened to me. As I got older, some of my friends that I’ve known for a long time no longer talked to me. My experience of losing friends made me learn a lot. I learned that your friends could change their ways and can be friends with other people and forget about you.

It starts in elementary school. Everybody is a friend with each other in kindergarten. Everybody is kind to each other and doesn’t care about what he or she looks like, they like each other for who they are. Throughout elementary school, I had tons of friends and we would always talk and hangout with each other playing outside at recess. Then, in middle school, I lost a couple friends because they either moved or went to the other middle school. Everybody in middle school was in these “groups.” There were the nerds, preps, jocks, ect. For me, I wasn’t in any “group.” I was still friends with a lot of people. I didn’t care about the whole “group” thing; I was trying to be friends with everyone. My friends still liked me and we would talk during lunch and hangout after school.
Everything was going well until high school came. The first day was all right; I thought the school was like a maze. I was looking for some of my friends that I knew from middle school. Some of them would say “hi” and some of them would just ignore me. I was so confused, I was like “What’s going on? Why aren’t some of my friends talking to me?” Did the whole summer vacation change them into brand new people? I still had some of my friends that I’ve known for a long time. But my other friends changed a lot and they never talk to me anymore. Probably because they met new friends and started to hangout with them, and then slowly forget about me. Or, they just thought I was boring or something. Later on in the 9th grade I began to understand why some of those friends don’t talk to me. I thought it was because they found new friends and started hanging out with them and started to forget about me. So after I found that out, it was time to start over. I found new friends that liked me for who I am. I think high school is a time to experience new things and meet new people. Even though I lost some friends, I also gained some new friends too. Now that I’m in 10th grade, I learned that some of your friends wouldn’t be with you all the time. Also, it doesn’t matter how many friends you have, just the friends that care about you the most is what you need.
Therefore, that is what I experienced throughout my life. I learned a lot from this experience and I will always remember this. If there are people that have this experience also, I would say that if you have friends that care about you for who you are and will always accept you, they are your true friends.

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This article has 1 comment.

livisan SILVER said...
on Oct. 13 2012 at 3:23 pm
livisan SILVER, Miami, Florida
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Bad spellers Untie!

I can completely relate my ex-bestfriend stopped talking to me one day and now hates me but you become stronger