Maybe You Never Knew | Teen Ink

Maybe You Never Knew

January 16, 2012
By WickedA93 SILVER, Amelia, Virginia
WickedA93 SILVER, Amelia, Virginia
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take joy in who you are We know our wings are flawed" Fallen Angels ~ Black Veil Brides

Maybe you never knew the impact you had on me, how you changed my life. Maybe you never knew that I loved you with all I ever had. Maybe you never knew you were beautiful. Maybe you never knew that you were a wonderful person. Maybe you never knew that there were people out there that actually gave a damn about you. Maybe you just couldn’t realize that sometimes there is happiness in life. Maybe you never knew that all love didn’t have to end in pain; that people didn’t have their hearts set on hurting you. Maybe you never knew how much you were loved.
I know exactly how you impacted me; how you cracked my heart and left me to bleed. I know I couldn’t have loved you more because you were everything. I know you’re beautiful; inside and out. I know you are amazing and wonderful and kind. I know there are people out there who give a s***; one of them is me. I know that you and I will find true happiness somewhere; all things aren’t bad. I know that somewhere there is a love that won’t end in hurt. I know I love you; you will always have my heart.

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