The Feelings Never Stay | Teen Ink

The Feelings Never Stay

January 16, 2012
By WickedA93 SILVER, Amelia, Virginia
WickedA93 SILVER, Amelia, Virginia
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take joy in who you are We know our wings are flawed" Fallen Angels ~ Black Veil Brides

The feelings never stay. You can want someone so bad while you’re in their arms…you think that you will never forget these feelings. You think that you will be lost forever in those eyes, and that everything is perfect…everything is right. Nothing stays the same, everything changes. For you get up, and say goodbye, tell him you love him, swear to yourself you will never forget….but you do. All memories fade with time. Everything. Those who you love the deepest hurt the worst. You forget, the memories leave…but then it hits you. It hits you so hard and everything starts crashing down. You remember every touch, every promise, and every word. And then you cry. You cry because there is nothing else to do, there is no other way to let the pain out. Nothing is the same. You cry for what was, you cry because it will never be the same. You cry because you hurt so much that all you want is to end the pain…to forget again and never remember. You remember how is arms wrapped around you, how he looked into your eyes and told you he loved you, how nothing was more right than touching his face and loosing yourself in his eyes. You remember; you remember how his lips felt on yours. But you forget sooner or later.

Life is never fair. The ones you want the most leave, choices are made you wish were different. Nothing is fair. Everything ends in pain. Love and life will lose themselves in each other. There will be times in your life where you won’t be able to distinguish one from the other. You won’t be able to separate the lies from the truth, the love from the hate, the pain from the happiness. Everything will blur together, the memories will fade forever and you will never remember again. If god truly loves you he would end the pain. He would take you from this hell. For this is hell, nothing could be worse than life. Nothing.

There will never be a day that I don’t think of you, that I won’t remember. I will always love you. There will always be a piece of me that will never heal; I can never be whole again. There is this crack in my heart that will never heal. It is connected to my tear ducts. The crack hurts so much. Nothing will ever change this. Just remember Tyler…just remember. Never forget…I never will. Feel as I do…understand.

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This article has 1 comment.

buff said...
on Feb. 1 2012 at 7:13 pm
that girl is cute and that boy is not fit for that girl. i love the article