Changing for Good | Teen Ink

Changing for Good

November 11, 2011
By AdrianaLucia SILVER, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
AdrianaLucia SILVER, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Whenever someone has a conflict with me, they claim I have "changed." However, aren't we all supposed to be changing? We aren't the same people we were ten years ago. It would be rather silly for me to still wear fluffy headbands and socks with fairies on them. As a seventeen year old, I'm not going to be playing hopscotch and jumping rope all day. I'm going to be stressing over performing my best in a sport or applying to college. If someone claims that I have "changed," I'm going to agree with them. Yes, I have changed because I have grown up.

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