Peer Perspective | Teen Ink

Peer Perspective

October 18, 2011
By zonaSKYE01 SILVER, Jefferson, Iowa
zonaSKYE01 SILVER, Jefferson, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If 'growing up' means it would be beneath me to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, not me.
-J.M. Barrie

As an American teenager, I know the pressure to give people a good impression.
To make others think we're 'cool'.
Sometimes we even do everything in our power to change a certain characteristic just to get others to like us.
I know someone who was once considered a 'dork' by all of his peers, and finally he got tired of it. So he left the moral track he was on for a life of parties, drinking, and bitterness, which is what a lot of people call 'fun'.
I don't know about you, but I find this sad.
All of this got me thinking. Why do we try so hard? Why are first impressions so important?
What if others thoughts and opinions on you are actually their problems, not yours? What if it's a fault in their aspect of thinking, not yours? What if the reason they don't like you is their own doing, not yours?
And if that's true... Do I treat others that way?

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