Within Your Heart | Teen Ink

Within Your Heart

September 29, 2011
By cassielopiccolo BRONZE, Auburn, New York
cassielopiccolo BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'll never forget the night my mom told me she contacted my biological father. She told me in such a nonchalant manner. I mean, this was my real dad we were talking about! I hadn't talked to him since I was about eight years old. He had moved from here to there and back but never cared enough to come see me, or so I thought. In November 2009, my biological father finally came to visit me. I guess what I'm trying to say is, no matter what happens in life, you have to find the love to forgive and forget.

When I was young, my mom got remarried to a wonderful man named Brian. Soon after, he adopted me. My "dad", Brian, was hardworking, generous, loving and caring. He was anything and everything I could have asked for in a father. He treated me like I was his own biological daughter, and it was the best feeling in the entire world. As I grew up, we got closer and closer and soon became the best of friends. When I was three years old, he and my mom had a new baby together, Tyler. We were the happiest family anyone could ever imagine. We found hope, inspiration and love among each other.

Not very long after, they got a divorce. Tyler and I lived with our mom, but stayed with our dad on the weekends. We had game nights, and frequently went shoe shopping together. We had a bond that I would have hoped for my kids to have with their dad. We were all so inseparable. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mom too. My mom had me at such a young age, and still managed to do her absolute best for me. She is without a doubt the strongest woman I know. Apart from being the strongest, she is the most understanding. She is open-minded and honest. It's a crazy combination but that's my mom and I love her.

The night my mom told me she contacted my biological father, Mike, I wasn't sure what to respond with. I had so many questions! Is he coming to visit me? What should I wear? Is he serious or funny? Will it be awkward? Questions that nobody could answer for me. I was so nervous to meet this mysterious man who my mom once loved. Mike and I hit it off as soon as we met. I realized that I'm scaring like him in so many ways. Mike and I found this we had in common such as love to cook. We both found that were naturally artistic, we love to travel and we have the same type of humor. Unfortunately, Mike lives in Alaska. Therefore I don't get to see him as much as I'd like.

When my dad, Brian, found out that I talked to my real father, he was beyond devastated. I had no idea how to comfort him because I truly understood how badly he was hurting. He dealt with the situation so negatively in return. All I wanted was some acceptance of my decision in talking to Mike. Here I was learning to forgive, forget, be kind and open hearted and my dad was throwing it in my face. "He doesn't want you. He doesn't love you. He never has." I'll never forget those words and how rude he was to me.

To this day, my dad still cannot accept the fact that I talk to my real father. I thought we had the best relationship ever, that nothing could part us, but I was wrong. My mom supports the fact that I'm trying to improve as a person by forgiving Mike. Unfortunately, there's always a consequence to every action. In life, you must learn to forgive and forget such as I have with Mike.

The author's comments:
I hope people will be more forgiving even when they are hurt by the people they love the most.

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This article has 1 comment.

Bernard said...
on Oct. 21 2011 at 1:20 pm
Great expression of how a episode in your life has molded a huge part of your personalty. I've known you for about 8 years now.... Though I don't see u often, I remember you as a shy little girl. You have developed a trait of understanding and forgiveness that most adults struggle with. I think that is very wise of you. You do have a very strong mom... And it shows that her hard work is paying off. Great Job!