The Modern plague... | Teen Ink

The Modern plague...

September 12, 2011
By Anonymous

The girl everyone knows as the strange one. She went from being happy and cheerful one day to standoffish and timid the next. She tried to avoid all human interaction and everyone one thought it was just because she was strange and weird. No one ever thought to maybe try and get to know her. Maybe try to understand what happened so suddenly. People dont just go from being okay one day to sad the next something happened in this poor young girls life. No one knows she use to be excited to get home from school. Yeah her parents could sometimes be annoying and so could her sister but, it was still home. She still felt safe and happy there nothing made her more pleased then to walk inside everyday and see her family picture hanging on the wall. She was a simple girl never asked for many things. She was happy with what she had. Now this young girl dreads going home everyday. She would rather sit at school surrounded by people who ignore her and look at her like she's a freak then go home to that house. She walks in and there is no family picture anymore. You can see the faded outline in the paint from where it hung all those years. Her house is quiet and yet so full of silence. She wallks past the empty room where her sister use to be. She walks up the staircase bare of any pictures. Straight towards her room the only room in the house un touched by the plague. Her phone rings and the caller id says callifornia and under it Dad. She answers the phone and they go throught the usual How are you? whats things like? the i miss you's and so much more. She askes how her sister is and he replies that she loves the new school but misses you and your mother. That brings up the subject you have been trying to avoid. He asks how she has been? how you two are? where is she now? And you hope he cant hear the wimper in your voice as you answer I honestly dont know....shes not around much anymore. You wrap up your conversation and say your i love you's. After you hang up you sit on your bed and cry like you do everyday now. You cry for your dad and sister leaving you cry for your mom being so selfish and distant and most of all you cry for yourself. For being so scared and alone.

The author's comments:
This is something that has recently happened to me. I have felt this alot here latley. And writing it down i thought may help. I would love some feedback.

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This article has 1 comment.

Alantis SILVER said...
on Oct. 6 2011 at 3:33 pm
Alantis SILVER, Connersville, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love hurts weither its right or wrong.

This is my story i dont know why it keeps going under anonymous. I have tried uploading it like 3 different times. Anyways i would love feedback.