Dependency of a Companion | Teen Ink

Dependency of a Companion

October 20, 2010
By Anonymous

A part of my life was taken away one day when my parents got a divorce, but later replaced by a companion that I loved. Toots, a Beagle puppy was like my best friend. I could talk to Toots whenever I wanted to. She would always “listen” by just laying there and sleeping. Toots constantly had a shoulder for me to cry on. Toots and I would do everything together, such as play ball or if we were feeling lazy we would lie on the couch together and watch T.V.

Toots was a young dog that was about three years old and continued to get sick. We learned Toots developed kidney disease. It was very sad for my brothers and my mom to see Toots so sickly. We had to give her and ivy every day which was heart breaking for everyone to know that our best friend could potentially die.

One day my best friend and companion was taken away from our home and sent up into heaven where she would constantly be looking over and protecting my family. A piece of my life was taken away again but, I have all the wonderful memories of Toots that makes me pleasurable. Furthermore, I learned that a pet can be your best friend like Toots was mine, and that we are dependent on them just as much as they are dependent on us.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mr. Renfree said...
on Oct. 28 2010 at 10:36 am
I sincerely enjoyed reading your article and I am thrilled you had such a close, supportive friend. Long live our doggies!