Taking A Chance | Teen Ink

Taking A Chance

July 1, 2010
By Angel.Lynn GOLD, Livermore, California
Angel.Lynn GOLD, Livermore, California
16 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
The line that divides good and evil will, now and forever, be blurred.

I never realized how unhappy I was until the night I met him. At all those times when I thought life couldn't get any better, I was wrong. The first thing I noticed about him was his eyes. In the starry light they were a hazel green. Timidly, but with a bubblegum smile I spoke, "You have beautiful eyes." His response was casual but I could see something in his eyes start to sparkle. "Thanks. I get that allot."
Just then the wind picked up and I started to shiver. Wearing a halter top on a chilly March night wasn't exactly one of my brightest ideas. Looking away from him I thought, "Okay whatever. He's just another guy." Around me my crew of friends wandered to and fro chatting with the other groups of people that had arrived downtown that Friday night. Happily I skipped off, eager to reacquaint myself with friends that I hadn't seen since the week before. People around me chorused, "Angel!" With so many people calling my name it was difficult to figure out where exactly I should turn to.
Spinning around I caught him looking at me. Quickly, with a blush darkening his cheeks, he turned away. Amused, I decided to give him a chance to be with me for the night. I skipped back over to him and rubbed my arms briskly. "Uh, hi again." I spoke softly, laughing in my head at my own good acting. "Hi?" "I'm really cold do you mind if I snuggle up next to you?" I made my eyes big and open; giving myself an aura of innocence and making myself seem vulnerable.
“Oh, sure.” Holding out his arm he let me sit down beside him and put his arm around my shoulder. Pulling me close I could feel the warmth of his body even through his jacket. Beside us a friend of mine was playing a guitar and I didn’t realize it then, but the moment was almost movie picture perfect. As the night went on we talked about many things and grew to become good friends. Once a guy stumbled up to us in a strange state and started talking gibberish to him. After the guy had walked away he explained.
“That was my best friend Spencer. He took some pills so don’t mind him. For the rest of the night he will be pretty messed up.” I laughed. It seemed strange that so good a guy could have so bad a friend. As the night went on I found that his favorite color was blue; he was an only child and he went to the high school that I was going to be attending the following school year. When he got up the courage, he guessed my age.
“Nuh uh.”
“Okay, I give up. How old are you?” The laugh in his voice seemed amused but hi s eyes betrayed his curiosity.
“I’m thirteen.” I giggled.
“No way! You look and seem so much older!” I shivered then and he pulled me closer.
By the end of the night I could feel that he liked me. I, however, knew that I wasn’t the best choice of a girl for him. I was wild and crazy, while he was calm and serene. In the end I chose to take a chance….
That was the best choice I’ve ever made in my life. We have been together now for almost four months. It will be four months exactly in four days. We never fight, ever, and he has helped me quit doing reckless things. What started as just a chance turned into the most perfect thing I could have ever hoped for.

The author's comments:
My boyfriend and I have been together almost four months now. I decided to share my story with the world. Take a chance, cause you never know how perfect something could turn out ot be.

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