Mt. Manadnock | Teen Ink

Mt. Manadnock

May 15, 2010
By Ladekeye BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ladekeye BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments

I am here, I made it! The gust of shivering wind covered my whole body. I had the feelings of achievement, pride, and coldness. It was a hard long journey that was worth it. It was hard yet, I still made it! The Peak, a cold icy area, was full with students who had also made it. I forced myself to walk towards the camera and stretched a smile across my face. CLICK! I was there, I made it!

Zip…after hiking up rocks and going near mud puddles I was unzipping my bag to firmly grasp my deluxe turkey and cheese sandwich. At least, that’s how it seemed at the moment. I ate it slowly to enjoy it. Although, I knew I had to go back down soon.

I was studying the Peak of the mountain. Mount monadnock to be exact. Just the thought that I had climbed 3,165 feet into the air amazed me! Also, I was above the tree line. Usually, I am a little afraid of heights but now there wasn’t anything to be the least bit afraid of it was simply beautiful! Sadly, it was time to go down now.

With trembling legs and an unsteady heartbeat I found myself placed on rocks lathered with ice. AHHH! I rapidly lost control of all actions and slipped down the rock. But, before I knew it my foot completely parked myself so that I could finally stop sliding. After 45 minutes of scouting down the wilderness we got to some form of flatness but, we still had about 15 minutes to go. After, those long anxious 15 minutes and the bus ride was over I was now back to a familiar place called home!

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on May. 27 2010 at 4:57 pm
Ladekeye BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments
Thank you TEEN INK for publishing my work on your website