a letter about me | Teen Ink

a letter about me

May 6, 2010
By enter BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
enter BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Am going to write to my self about the past when I was a like kid and what kind of stuff I did. I wanna learn more on the things I did back then when I was a little boy what kind of things I did was I bad or good did I did. I wanna do a letter to my self talking about all the past years and all the important things I did like go to school and all the other fun stuff little kids like to do when there kids. I wanna know what know what kind of job my parents had and just learn more about it and learn how my life was when I was a kid. being a kid was fun but then the years started to come and I got older and my life started to change from a little boy into a teenager and then years past and then I became a man a big tall man that helps out at home or at school or any were he can I can help I still have some fun like if I act if am still a little kid because I miss those days being that little boy everyone knew but this is just the beginning of my new life.

Sincerely: Luis Raul C.

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