The Weaker, The Worse | Teen Ink

The Weaker, The Worse

May 5, 2010
By irocku2me3 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
irocku2me3 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
it doesnt matter whats outside of you is what matters whats inside of you

Being weak is the easiest thing that a person can be. When people call you names like “you’re ugly!” or “you’re fat!” you then get the idea that you actually are what they tell you, even though it’s only a lie that’s stuck in our heads. The more we believe what people tell us; our minds get fragile as a silver glass. Growing up to be a teenager was one of the hardest and roughest time of my life. I tried to be positive and not care what people thought of me, but it was really hard to believe if they were telling the truth. It was also when those negative comments made me feel useless almost turning my feelings to depression.

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