The best gift EVER!!!!!!!! | Teen Ink

The best gift EVER!!!!!!!!

May 10, 2010
By doggeater131 BRONZE, Menifee, California
doggeater131 BRONZE, Menifee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today is the best day ever for a birthday. It was a perfect winter day, not too cold and not too warm.
“So, what do you want for your birthday?” my friend Austin asked me.
“A guitar!!” I have wanted a guitar for years, and I was hoping I would get one this year for my birthday.
Later on that night, after my family and I had my birthday dinner, my dad told me to clean up my mess.
“Come on, can’t I do it later after cake?”
“NO, do it now.”
“Okay, okay, geez.” So, I walked over to the pool table and there it was--my first guitar. Right away, I knew that this was the best birthday gift ever. It was a black and white First Aid guitar; it also came with a cheesy little amp.
Later on, after we ate cake, I asked my dad to tune my guitar for me. I already knew a couple of really easy songs like “Iron Man” and “Smoke on the Water.” Well, I was playing really loud and not thinking any thing about it, and all of a sudden, I blew out my amp. Once my dad found out, he was not happy at all.
A couple of days later--six to be exact, it was Christmas, and I opened my first gift. It was a brand new Fender amp. By this time, I had learned a couple of quick riffs. So, I didn’t sound so bad with my new amp.
After a couple of months, I started to get pretty good. A year later, here I am still practicing, and I have gotten WAY better. I can play like thirty different songs, and I’ve even started a band with my friends called “Magnetic Poetry.” One day I hope to have music online –be sure to check it out.

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