Falling Head-Over-Heels | Teen Ink

Falling Head-Over-Heels

February 28, 2010
By Anonymous

Most girls spend their time gossiping, drooling over boys, and putting on each other's make-up, trying to mimick the latest trend in "Seventeen" magazine. Two years ago, I was no different. Now, I find myself in the arms of the most amazing boy, finding comfort in the beat of his heart and whistle of his breath.
When I first told him about my eating disorder, he was angry with me. He wondered why I was trying to harm myself, why I was taking myself away from him. He was honestly worried about me. At first, it annoyed me that he was so concerned. I eventually came to bowing down at his feet for saving my life.
He called every morning and night, making sure that I had eaten enough to satisfy him. He even fed me when I refused to eat! He was the one who convinced me to tell my mom and to get me help. Without him, I wouldn't be here today.
If anyone ever tries to convince you to tell someone about whatever your problem is, you need to listen. It just may save your life.

The author's comments:
I just hope people will realize that everyone has their downfalls, but with help, you can be cured. The clock's ticking...

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