What a world | Teen Ink

What a world

February 19, 2010
By Anonymous

You people that call yourself my parents do u see I am living on the streets its fault that I am suffering I blame you 2 for all that I am going through. There are thousands just like me. I live in alleys and shelters its unbelievable I carry all my worldly possessions in a target bag isn’t that sad. I think about killing myself everyday what do I have to live for my entire dream where taken away. If you have not forgotten I have been living on the streets know for about 2 years. It all started on Jan 13 the day I told u I hade Aids. You could see in your eyes that I was a disappointment to you. Then you said the words I was wishing you would not say you told me that you want me out of your house you told me a 15 year old child that If I wanted to make grown up dissensions that I hade to have grown up actions. I was terrified of your response. I tried to tell you that it was not my fault I tried to tell you what happen but you guys could only think about the Aids, and accused me of things that where not my fault. So that’s I got here two years later talking to you telling you the truth about what happen on Jan 13.

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