Friends are Family | Teen Ink

Friends are Family

December 1, 2009
By Anonymous

My friends are my world I know I can count on them most of the time. I will drop everything on the site of a dime! Nothing else matters to me but my friends and my family. They are everything to me and the reason that I am still breathing. No matter how bad it gets I know that one of them will be there.I know I recently screwed up and showed my bad side to most of them. I am embarrassed by messing up but they are still there. There are some that I know I can’t depend on but they can depend on me. I AM STILL THERE.Last year my cousin tried to commit suicide (three times in one month). It was midnight and I was on the phone with my friend at the time. All of a sudden I heard yelling in the background, about five minutes later I found out what happened and I made my mother who wasn’t supposed to drive at night, drive me up there because I had to be there. I still feel bad with the fact that I knew she planned on taking an overdose of her medications and didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to believe that she would actually attempt taking her life again and I wasn’t one hundred percent that she did it. Maybe I could have done something to stop her. I wish I could have gotten her to the hospital sooner.A month later my friend’s mother died. I was at her place within a half hour, putting aside how her death made me feel. I took care of her and focused on doing everything I could for my friend.I wish that I could take all the pain away from all of the people I care about. Take all their sickness, their emotional pain, and all the bad and take it all to myself that way they have to feel it anymore. I would do ANYTHING for my friends. Walk through glass, jump in front of a bullet, and take a long drive to go to them for ten minutes, anything they ask I will do.This past summer we found out my nephew had epilepsy. He had his first seizure on his third birthday. I received a call at midnight about what had happened. I knew I had to work at ten o’clock the next morning but I still was prepared to make the three hour drive to be there for them. My brother, his father, had to get there also but been drinking. My mom had a torn tendon which meant she couldn’t drive or walk! I only had a permit, but I drove all night to get my brother there. I knew that I had to go and nothing could have stopped me. If my mother didn’t go with I would have went by myself.
The same type of situation happened this past summer when the doctors were trying to figure out medications for Junior, my nephew. I was at the school learning algebra my sister called and you could hear that something was wrong and she said “Stasia can you leave school now” I said “yea what the hell happened” “Junior just had a long seizure and is running a 105 temp” I hung up before I heard anything else. I ran back into the class room and with people there I threw a smart bored pen at him. Then I said I got to go it’s my nephew and you know how I feel about that. He knew to say go and do what you got to do see you tomorrow. Just as he said that my sister called back “Dam it Stasia you didn’t let me finish you have to meet us at the hospital.” I was doing almost 100 the whole way there I made it in record timing and beat her there. I had enough time to calm down and call my teacher and apologize and fill him in, he later texted me to ask how things were going. Then I met my sister and grabbed the baby and followed her inside. I took care of the co-pay so she didn’t have to worry about writing a check. We went into the doctors’ office and I remember holding Junior’s hand and giving him a kiss on the forehead. I remember that when I gave him the kiss that he felt like a car on a hot summers day. The doctor gave up a prescription and told to try and get a pee sample then sent us on our way. My sister took the kids home and asked if I would get the prescription and a list of other things. Of course I said yes. It was summer and very hot and I was doing all this running around in a sweatshirt and jeans. I felt like I was going to pass out. That was also the day when my checking account first dropped to the negatives because Junior needed me. My nephews are my world, they have saved my life along with my sister in-law. Without her I wouldn’t be here right now, for more than one reason.When I was about years old I got the flu. It was bad. My dad was out of town and my mom was working so my sister in-law was in charge of me. She took my temp it was 103 and she called my mom at work and asked what to do. My mom told her that I had to go in a cold tub to bring the temp down immediately. We went into the bathroom and I screamed and refused to go in. She finally said “If I go in there with will you go?” I shook my head yes. She went downstairs changed clothes very fast. She went into the cold water with me and brought my temp down. She saved me and from that moment on I knew she was going to be a great mom and today she is.My friends before them I had nothing and was bored constantly. They may know me now and be annoyed with my but they still love me ;) I would do anything for them and at the drop of a dime I will be there. One time we were working on a benefit and I drove out to a friend’s house with NO BREAKS because I had promised to be there to help with iron on t-shirts. They ended up sending home to get them fixed. That day I saw care in her eyes and I knew I didn’t want to let her go. Not the first time realizing it but I did again.I love to just help out to! Around the house or cleaning, on projects, or with their kids. It is always fun and makes me happy to help. I am the happy helper! The sooner my friends get that through their thick skulls the better! I am bored a lot of the time so I love to help out! Its fun!Recently a couple of different friends called me in a panic. One I hung up on and showed up on her door step. The other one I stayed up with until four in the morning talking to her and went and checked on her the next day. The first friend said that she was having suicidal thoughts, I was scared. After she told me that I hung up on her and was on her doorstep as fast as I could. I stayed with her the whole night. The second friend was really depressed about her boyfriend so I stayed up talking to her about the most random things just to make her laugh. Another friend called at midnight and said she was having a problem with her boyfriend and asked if I could babysit her son so she could go see him. I went and stayed the night there to watch him.
My friends mean the world to me because friends are family. My heart is overflowing with the love I have for friends. We may argue but its ok because I know that after it’s all done we still are friends and everything is okay. There is one that we argue on what I would say is a daily basis because I am thick headed and she is stubborn but eventually I give up and it clicks. She is trying to teach me a lesson and she cares and I appreciate her for that. The point is that my friends mean the world to me. They are my everything and I wish they would understand that and how much I care but it doesn’t click. They are the reason I wake up and keep going in the morning. The ones that are the closest to my heart and at the top of the list help me without even knowing it. My nephews, sis in law, and my closest friends keep me going they are the reason I don’t give up and keep going. They keep me strong. I also know that there are some friends that I am there for completely and would do anything for. I know that I have my sister and a few friends that can be counted on one hand that I know are there. I have Adam, Marz, Sara, Sandi, and Treasure. Each of them have their own qualities and are there in a different ways. Some are there for support when I need someone to talk to when the whole world is crashing down and others have my back and teach me lessons at the strangest of time and are trying to help me become a decent adult! They all love me and I appreciate that so much and it helps me to keep going! I am fortunate to have these friends. Special thanks to Treasure (mom), Sara, Sandi, Marz, Nikki, Adam, and Andy. Thank you for being there and I love you. Sometimes I feel worthless to my friends, I feel like I don’t do anything, I tell them I am there but I feel I always let them down no matter how hard I try not to. I don’t want them to think I am not there or unstable because they see my emotional side. I just feel so worthless to them like there is nothing I can do! BUT I AM THERE for them no matter what! I love them all and am attached like a puppy that follows you home from the market.This is my story of my friends and I over the past couple of years and what’s been done. I want you to learn that it is important to be there for your friends, like in the book. Without your friends you end up lonely because you have nobody around. To talk to, cry to, laugh with, and be around. It’s just you. Don’t get me wrong because friends come and go but some are always there and you don’t want to lose them, because without them you have nothing. I hope from hearing my stories you will see how important your friends are and it is for you to be there for them as it is for them for you. It can’t be one way it is balanced. Don’t to be selfish and don’t just to take from your friends but to give. Giving and taking is not just a gift thing it’s also emotional.

The author's comments:
Its a paper that I had to write for school, I thought the paper was good and might help show people somthing about friends.

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