From Me, To Me | Teen Ink

From Me, To Me

May 24, 2024
By unironicallyoggy BRONZE, Calgary, Alberta
unironicallyoggy BRONZE, Calgary, Alberta
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is a such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible to admit it. - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Dear Me on May 24th, 2025,

I address to me, myself, and I in the future. You might be wondering why I set a reminder on Google Calendar for 1 year from the day this is published, and why the link is this here letter. Well, don't because the entire point is that you don't know.

By the time you're reading this, you'll be busy with university admissions and fighting for the career you want versus the life that has been planned for you, and I hope you're winning. You see, right now, things are sucky. Robotics is draining, Dad is as infuriating as ever, school is meh (it's almost June, I'm waiting for summer holidays), and it's like people my age are soaring and I've done nothing. Well, if you still feel that way, just know you're graduating, you're gonna be free very soon.

But, the main point of this to tell you to please do better. Reach for your dreams, exhaust every avenue you have, become the writer I know you can be, become one of the buffest guys at school, get that significant other you have been missing, go to the City Track Championships if that's what it'll take. I need you, future me, to be the light at the end of the tunnel. I need you to enjoy the fruits of my labour for me, because I'll be gone by the time the fruit tree is grown. 

I need you to be the me I see in my dreams. The me I have sacrificed for. hoped for, am still hoping for. I don't need you to get better grades than me (though that would be nice), but I need you to be happier. I'm going to spend the rest of my time before a new current me takes over ensuring that you're set up for success, and I know you'll take advantage of it. Make all the struggle I go through now worth it. Right now, I see one more year of high school. I'll need you to tell me how you survived through it all on the other side. See you in 365.4 days.

With as much love as I can give,
You on May 24th, 2024.

P.S. Compare this letter to the one you wrote in 2022 for your graduation, you're bound to be getting that soon. 

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this as I've been looking for some outlet where I could express my thoughts and feelings without having to cut off details because I'm a teen. The prompt asks me what I hope people will take from it, and what I hope that its hope. The ages 13-21 are arguably the worst stages of your life, and by the time you're a teen, your life hasn't even really started yet in the eyes of the pop culture zeitgeist. Which isn't true, life is very life-ing during high school.

My experience from the age 12 to the age 17 will probably give me an eternal therapy bill, but the hope of this letter is that this era of constant tiredness, depression, and just general "eugh this is hell" energy will end. It's a phase, it's a moment of your life, it will pass. I hope it does for me, and I hope it does for any reader who also feels "eugh this is hell" right now. But the only way to make it get better is to start setting yourself up for it, and the hope that it'll all be worth it. 

Hence why I'm putting a reminder. I want to come back to this post one day a year down the line, and look back and see what's changed. 

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