Earthquake Trouble | Teen Ink

Earthquake Trouble

May 1, 2024
By Anonymous

One day I was in my bedroom, lying down, at home in China, when I felt something moving. A shake, a rumble, a ground vibrance. It feels like an earthquake. It is May 12, 2008. I feel aftershocks from an earthquake. The earthquake aftershock was felt from 100 miles away. It was like something I had never experienced before. The house rocked and everything was shaking. As The  TV turned on I heard an enormous earthquake shaking Sichuan, China, the structure was falling and the building collapsed. The television mentioned the earthquake had a 7.9 magnitude and had already done severe damage in Sichuan, China where more than 69k people were dead. 

My grandma was one of many kids born in the 1950s. People like her talked about the earthquake and the damage done in the country. During early life, schools were expensive so only rich people could afford them.  During this time it was known that baby boomers were family gave birth to 5-6 kids. The whole republic of China was doubling governments in China made a rule where you can only have 2-3 kids no more than that. Also happening around this time was the Cold War where China and Russia were spreading Communism and tensions increased to stop Communism formed by the US. Also happening around this time was the Great Leap Forward where more than 200 million people were starving due to a famine caused by Mao Zedong.  This was a terrible time as more died due to starvation.

“Wow! I feel bad,”  my Grandma said. 

“The earthquake’s sound waves have already reached as far as Taiwan, it destroyed nearly 21 million buildings,” the reporters mentioned. 

President Hujin reported solemnly, “Today was just a devastating day full of people heartbroken, family loss, people depressed and it's a day to remember not only in Sichuan but in China where relatives that lived there vanished into the deadly earthquake.”

“The UN has already provided aid to China where the earthquake struck the most, it has been rough what’s happening in China right now, especially the area that’s affected, especially Sichuan and central China,” US News reporters announced.

The earthquake's aftershock felt like the quake was so strong that trees were swaying and the shaking was so strong that it was felt miles away. Animals tried to run away before the quake even struck. It was just a terrifying aftermath of the earthquake.  People died and structures fell due to the earthquake. More people died with tons injured. I am hopeful my family is ok and safe after the quake. It's been days after the aftershock and many people are still lost or missing. It's been so long since the quake struck. The US and other countries are providing aid to help support the quake right now. During the Earthquake, rumbles began and aftershocks came in and we were like what just happened we feel we are dead. Now we turned on the TV and heard the news that a big earthquake struck central China. It caused aftershock after aftershock where it never stopped coming. Finally, the shaking stopped. It's been forever but it finally came to an end. We never experienced something like it.  This has scared us to the point where we decided to hide and never come out. The views on TV look like it’s destructive with homes and schools destroyed. According to……Billions of dollars are being spent to support China in recovering from the earthquake. The Earthquake caused intensive damage to China, especially Sichuan. As we feel the rubble the earthquake gets worse after the aftershock.

As US news reporters mentioned, “This earthquake is one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike China this century, and we will continue to support China during the quake.” 

“This is one of the craziest disasters that struck China recently.”  

“It’s going to take a lot of effort to support and rebuild China.” 

“Countries worldwide have tried to provide China with the resources to support after the quake.”

 “It's been a terrifying day for all of the US as we felt the earthquake rumbles happening after the aftershock,” Reporters said. 

This series of earthquakes was destructive and after the earthquake, it left billions of dollars in property damage. More countries provide aid and assistance to find survivors and search the rubble for people alive. This series of earthquakes was so destructive that everyone will not forget the date it happened. It is so destructive that Nearly 69k people lost their lives.  Aid from around the world is provided to those in need. More and more people are giving money to support China during the quake. Billions of dollars were given to relieve China from a devastating earthquake they will remember forever. These were the most destructive earthquakes recorded in China following death and family losses during the quake. Relief teams have been given to those in need. China has faced a deficit in losing tons of people during the quake. People's lives were lost during the earthquake and many more with severe injuries and trapped. Most countries gave China billions of dollars in support of the earthquake. People around the world investigated what led to the strong earthquake underground. The fault responsible is the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault that produced a dextral-thrust slip along fault zones. 

As they were recovering from the quake, they thought of how to recover. The UN contributed 8 million dollars from CERF(Central Emergency Relief Fund) to the Chinese government, the UN announced. UN relieved China and gave them money to help with earthquake damage. Countries provided aid to those in need and a rescue team was out searching for survivors. As news spread about the devastating earthquake, more countries are providing aid to help with the damage done by the quake. This quake that just struck is one of the death toll disasters.

“This was one of the deadliest quakes in China”. 

“It's been a tough stretch in China since the quake”. US news reporters announced. 

“The earthquake has left tons missing and others homeless”.  “This has been terrifying for China and other parts of China experiencing the aftershock”. Interviewers said

“The earthquake has already done significant damage in China and people are experiencing losses of lives and family members”. Reporters mentioned.

“ It had been moments after the quake and many others were affected by the collapsed building”, “This has been terrifying and the lives lost were so severe enough that everyone around the country has been supporting China after the deadly earthquake”. Other people said. 

This has been a day we will never forget. People were devastated and cried for the loss of family members and friends.  There was a penumbral number of houses reflecting the sunlight damaged by the quake. Now people still honor the deceased and remember who they lost during the quarantine. 

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