Molly | Teen Ink


April 18, 2024
By 4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just the other day I mentioned to my mom how I have an ugly name. Molly. It just sounds like an old lady's name. She told me that makes her really sad because she’s always loved my name and she’s the one that chose it for me. After this, I got to thinking, and then one day at work I told my name to this 

The more I thought about my name, the more I understood why she liked it. When I hear the name Molly it makes me think of the color yellow. Yellow is the color of sunshine and happiness. It may be an old lady name, but it’s the kind of old lady who plants flowers and bakes cookies for her grandchildren. The kind of old lady who puts up bird feeders and crochets on a swinging porch chair in the sun.

Since that day, I have learned to love my name and I now enjoy when people say it. 

My full name is Molly Elizabeth Thusius. It sounds ugly but it has a lot of meaning behind it.  Amolia was the name of my great great grandmother which my parents shortened down to Molly so my name had a better flow to it. Elizabeth was the name of my great great great grandma. Both my first and middle name have family value to them and they are very special to me.

My mom is one of my most favorite people in the entire world and it makes my name that much more special knowing she chose it for me and she’s the one that fought so hard to make my name Molly instead of Amolia. She believed that the name Molly fit me when she saw me for the first time and now I believe it does too. The cookie baking, flower planting, crocheting grandma I mentioned earlier, is me. I love wearing the color yellow, baking cookies, gardening and crocheting. They may be old lady activities, but they are some of my favorites and maybe she has been inside of me all along.

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