14,000 and Counting | Teen Ink

14,000 and Counting

October 20, 2023
By Schererm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Schererm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Breckenridge, Colorado. Breckenridge is bountiful of breathtaking beauty, from the snow-white caps that pierce the clouds down to the crystalline blue rivers that rush through the city. Last summer my family and I endured an exploration of this city named Breckenridge. Unbenoused for what was to come I had an overwhelming sense of eagerness. 

The initial sight of Breckenridge will make you fall in love. This small town,14,000 feet above sea level, has so much to offer that it creates an addictive relationship. An inveterate mining town that has gone through its booms and busts but has long lasted the test of time. Experiencing its history firsthand allows the user to gain a greater understanding and emotional attachment to its legacy. 

Along with the heterogeneous mix of shops, Breckenridge is right smack dab in the Rockies. While in Breckenridge, our family decided to explore what these mountain ranges have to offer. Through our time on our exploration, we shared past stories, asked outlandish questions, self-reflected in silence, laughed, and overall became closer as a family. On our ascend to the summit we encountered a little road bump: a fallen soldier, lying lifeless stretched across the path, being honored by his fellow brothers who still stand tall before him. As a solution to our roadblock, we switch routes and take the high ground over the obstacle. I wonder if our issue will be averted by the time we get to the top,  as I jump down from the tree. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there I repeat to myself 

As we continue to climb my body becomes fatigued and anxious to be done. Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. I direct my feet as I suffer through the agony that is climbing a 2-mile mountain. With every step comes a million tiny nails jabbing into my foot and with every step comes a greater elevation that taunts us of our goal: to summit this beast.  As I begin to reach a flat portion of the trail I take a moment to reflect and take in all my surroundings. Evergreens stretched to the sky, shrubbery scattered over the ground, and the most beautiful I have seen to this day: the view from 14,000 feet. 

Beauty as far as the eye can see. Looking down on the town had me feeling god-like. Watching over all the people admiring what has been created in front of me. Too good to be true? No, just too good. It was at that moment I realized all that struggle and suffering was meant for that moment of complete contentment. 


The author's comments:

This is a piece about a family trip I took last summer.

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