Human Nature | Teen Ink

Human Nature

October 6, 2023
By Jake_Rosenblum BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Jake_Rosenblum BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My edges cut through the soft snow like butter. As I shifted my weight forward and back, I switched from toe to heel, becoming parallel with the mountain. I came to a stop, overlooking the beautiful landscape; Rigid mountains who's tops looked less harsh capped in snow. PHUMP! I toppled over and flailed my legs as I struggled to get up. When I did, I looked down the mountain and saw the guy who hit me. He was speeding down the mountain, no remorse. Somehow, nature seemed more beautiful now, like it was much more forgiving than humans.

The author's comments:

This was a story from snowboarding in Colorado, Its a 100 word story.

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