How Music Guides My Journey of Life | Teen Ink

How Music Guides My Journey of Life

October 1, 2023
By Hsieh BRONZE, New City, New York
Hsieh BRONZE, New City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“會不會 有一天 時間真的能倒退?”: “Will there be a day when we can go back in time?” This is the opening line in the song, Cheers, by a popular Taiwanese band Mayday. My mom’s old playlist consisted of songs like this, ballads and soft rock music that spoke for the youth. Cheers was the one that stood out to me. Through music, I’ve learned to fight through the anxiety and road bumps we face in life. Music itself has become a companion to me, comforting me as I face the seemingly impossible, as it relays its message in an uplifting tone to fight through the fear. With music, I get this weird sense of deja vu. Some songs bring me back to the first day I came to America in the sixth grade, when I’ve been afraid of everything that I have never tried. Making friends, ordering from the school cafeteria, and even talking to a teacher seemed so foreign to me, and yet I’ve done it millions of times over back home in Taiwan. Those days were often fueled by the intense desire to leave and go home, away from starting anew and working hard to form the new “me”. In truth, I was alone, caused by my own cowardice from trying things out, weakened by the idea of being laughed at. But music helped me feel less alone, encouraging me to face my fears and rebuild my own image as a person. During COVID, music became more than just a companion. I wanted to break free from my own captivity and be with friends, and finally feel like a kid once again, but I didn’t know how. When my father bought me a set of headphones, I entered a new world of possibilities. Despite that, I tried something new, something I’ve never heard before. Soon, my doubts faded away as I was jamming out to music within my room. I remember feeling free for the first time in months from my own doubts while feeling true joy for the first time in years. As I lay in bed, I started to hum the instrumentals of music from the variety of genres I’ve listened to, ranging from classical, all the way to hiphop and rap. Even though I was tired, I felt empowered to change. I realized at that moment, we all feel a sense of doom before trying anything new, but by stepping out of our comfort zone, we will soon taste the fruits of joy as we slowly build new friendships with others that may last for years to come. And sure enough, I took that mentality wherever I went. By simply stepping out of my own comfort zone and trying something new, I created new experiences and friendships that I enjoy even to this day. To me, by listening to random music genres within my playlists, I remind myself to try out new things. Music isn’t just noise, it's a part of my burning ambitious dreams that illuminates my soul. It supports me at all times, even in the face of humiliation as it cheers me on. Take that away, and I’d be left with nothing but a waning flame in a pit of defeat. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a way to express how I looked pass the potential shame and humiliation of trying something new for the first time. I remember being really shy as a young lad as I was doubtful of my own abilities, and yet I was normal as can be. I hated how I hated stepping of my comfort zone, and I found retribution through music and it's endless possibilities. Thanks to that, I am now freer than ever to be myself and try new things. 

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