Live Without | Teen Ink

Live Without

September 28, 2023
By ameyer5051 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ameyer5051 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What couldn’t I live without? That question seems tricky, but it is easy for me. I could never live without my personality, after all our personality is who we are. If I didn't have my personality I would just be a copy-and-paste average person. I would get good grades and date a guy that was just like any other guy. Basically, I would have a very boring life, So what if I didn’t have my personality?



Dear diary, today I got my first boyfriend. He is amazing.


I think I'm in love, on another note I got my hair dyed blond just like all my friends. Also, me and my family are going on a trip to the Grand Canyon, I am so excited.


OMG, I just saw the Grand Canyon and It was so hot but so pretty, we even had a tour guide to show us through a little bit of the Grand Canyon.


I just got back and found out that my boyfriend left me for one of my friends. I am never talking to her again.


I just graduated from 8th grade YAY! I can't wait for high school.


My family and I are going to the Bahamas tomorrow for 3 weeks.


I got back it was great aside from the seagal that pooped on me. Soon I am going to start high school and I can’t wait for all the new friends I will make.


They gave us so much homework during the first week I don’t know how people like this, it's easy but it just takes foreverrrr.


Hey, it's been a while since I have written, it's cause I have been busy. School takes a lot of time but I'm mostly getting all B’s in my classes so that's good. I have a lot of friends now and I love it.


I just finished my last exam so that means I'm done with freshman year. Me and my friends are going to go to the beach later when they get done with their exams ahhh it's gonna be great.

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