Cars | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By fb39 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
fb39 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A car. My car is something that I can not live without. It helps me get to places much easier and much faster than everything that I own. Without it, a simple ten-minute drive to school would take almost 40 minutes and over a two-hour hike, just to get to school. What if it rains? Or if there is snow? I don’t want to start my day off trying to get through miserable weather. Not to mention, I would have my backpack with me and other gear for athletic events. Not only school that I need to go to, I would have to go to ski hills, for practice and races. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be taking all of my gear, and walking ten-plus miles in snowy, cold weather. 

A car. A car that also allows me to haul different supplies. Supplies that would be used for projects for school or anything that my dad or myself might make. Or, it could be taking other people to events or being able to haul trailers as well.  We moved a little over a year ago, and I helped by moving bigger pieces of furniture, like desks and beds, and it would be a pain in the rear end to do it all without a car. Imagine trying to move a house worth of stuff, without a car. I can’t. Like I said before, being able to put my sporting equipment in my car takes the stress off of me and a much more pleasant way to travel.

A car. A car that I can take anywhere. Something that I can use to go anywhere when I want. Being able to go to friends' houses, or get food, I am able to drive. I enjoy being able to drive a car because of the places that I can go and the things I can bring with me. It is also something that I use almost every single day so my car is something that I can not live without.

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