Killing Noise With Noise | Teen Ink

Killing Noise With Noise

September 28, 2023
By Schererm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Schererm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If a fire were to somehow end up in the world of my phone my first instinct would be to save my Spotify playlists. Music has such an important role and influence in my life. Music is a stress reliever, entertainment, motivation, and emotion. It would be impossible to live without music. The world would just be bland. The world would be filled with the noises of loud vehicles, people talking, typers typing, phones ringing, and babies crying, without any escape. Life would be a miserable cycle of unwanted noise just yearning for a flight.

My Spotify playlist holds the history of my music journey. It's a piece of me, without it I wouldn’t be the person I am today. With its millions of minutes played and thousands of songs liked it has become a part of my everyday routine. As soon as I get into the car I start my playlist, at the gym I use Spotify for a little extra motivation, and when I am at home relaxing or do my homework. To me, Spotify is an app that has become a part of my life and will continue to be for many years to come. I could not and would not live without it. Each occasion has its own playlist. For the gym, it's strictly Rap, and driving on the interstate is listening to J Cole or Mac Miller. When the season changes and the brisk cold miserable weather rolls around it's Christmas music or Frank Sinatra. When the summer sun finally comes around so does country music.

If a fire were to plague my phone and start an offensive targeted toward my beloved Spotify I would throw everything I have against it in the hopes that I can fend off the inferno. It is a life or death situation and there can only be one winner: me or the fire. With the duty to protect all my favorite songs and ancient playlists, I would do anything. One could say “Can’t you just make another account.” This being a good point it just doesn't feel the same. I am starting brand new with a blank slate reminiscing on the old playlist, trying to remember what exact songs were on which playlist. Like trying to find a needle in a pile of needles, and then categorizing them just for you to grow old with a song. Never.

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