Safe Place | Teen Ink

Safe Place

September 27, 2023
By raddatzala SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
raddatzala SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Saturday, July 16th 2022

At work today I saw a cat in the barn cat room. Apparently some lady found him fighting with her cats. When I went to clean out his cage I expected him to hiss or bite or scratch or attack me, but he didn’t. 

He was so skinny.

Sunday, July 17th 2022

I went back today and saw him again. Since he didn’t have a name, my boss gave him one. It’s Jamal.

I think that’s a dumb name for a cat. I wish I could change it.

He came up to me while I cleaned his cage. Didn’t let me pet him though. My boss says he’s not eating. He asked me to give Jamal medicine that’s supposed to make him hungry so he’ll eat.

Tuesday, July 19th 2022

At work today I literally couldn’t focus on anything except for this cat. I spent my free time petting him. He’s so sweet and totally doesn’t belong in the barn cat room, so I moved him into the window room where he has a view of the bird feeders.

I told my boss I want to adopt him and I told my parents too. My boss says I need to have my parents do it since I’m not 18. He said I only have a few days to go through with the adoption before they put him out on the adoption floor.

Thursday, July 21st 2022

My parents and I went in and met him yesterday, and they loved him so much. I really think this will work out. Things are moving so fast it doesn’t even feel real.

Thursday, July 28th 2022

I forgot to write for a while so here’s the update. We adopted him on Wednesday and took him home that afternoon! He’s still getting used to my room, but he’s been eating on his own and using the litter box like he’s supposed to. He’s still pretty nervous but last night he cuddled with me in my bed before I fell asleep.

I changed his name to Arlo, I think it fits his personality more. Speaking of, his personality and demeanor has changed since he started to get more comfortable here. He’s so calm and cuddly and sweet.

Sunday, September 11 2022

Arlo is fitting in here. He gets along with the dogs and he’s not even scared of the vacuum, which surprised me. There’s no way a cat this sweet didn’t belong to someone else at some point, so I wonder if there’s someone out there missing him. I know I would miss a cat this perfect.

I’m pretty sure he sees me as his mom or something. He talks to me, follows me literally everywhere I go, sleeps in my bed, licks my hair, and gives me kisses.

Saturday, June 24 2023

I’ve forgotten to write for a while. Arlo is like my little baby. He’s only gotten more affectionate and he even brings me little gifts sometimes like his toys and gross dead animals.

Ellie says Arlo loves me so much because he thinks I saved him from the shelter, but I don’t really see it that way. I feel like I’m the lucky one to have him.

It might sound stupid but I think he saved me, actually. I don’t think I could live without him.

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