Photographic Memories | Teen Ink

Photographic Memories

September 25, 2023
By sierrascott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
sierrascott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Say my house was burning down from a house fire, and everything is getting completely destroyed. The flames are blazing hot and spreading fast. Every little thing I have ever loved is going to be completely gone; however,  there's a window of opportunity to save one thing from it. 

I now have my one chance to run in my house and grab the one item I truly do not want to lose. For me, that would be my camera roll where all my photos are. From when I was a toddler around four years old until the most recent photo right before the fire. The reason why I would save my camera roll is because it has 10,000 photographic memories all in one spot. I could scroll through my camera roll hour hours on end looking at every single moment in my life. When I go back and look at all of the photos it feels like I am back in that time reliving that exact moment. In that moment I can remember everything that happened before and after that photo. Reliving all of the good times, and even reliving the bad. 

My younger photos will show all of my birthday parties that my mom photographed for me, all of the family trips to florida. Florida shows what me and my family did everyday, because we went there quite often. During that era, I remember having my hair braided as tight as could be because I thought it was so cool at 9 years old. I have photos of me taking out the braids when I got home eventually. 

I would look back on every christmas because me and my best friend would get each other gifts each year, and make it a big deal. We took candid photos and edited them, we posed in front of the tree each year and made it a tradition. Looking back on all of these can show how much we aged with the different items we got each year, and it shows the value of our friendship.

I have photos from all of the events I had to dress up for which I would not want to lose. I would want to relive that event and look back on all of the memories that occurred. I would look back on homecoming and 8th grade graduation and the father daughter dance. I felt so happy to be seeing all of the moments.  I would look back on all of the videos me and my friends made when we were young and sit there and laugh when I know these photos for evidence is all I have left. 

People do not realize what things hold value to them, that if they were to be gone, that would have a huge impact on them. Some people argue about what they would save but I know what I would save for certain.

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