Something I could never live without | Teen Ink

Something I could never live without

September 19, 2023
By Clockworked5116 BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
Clockworked5116 BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people may say food, water, games, or a device but I could never imagine a world without music. Music has had a big impact on me and I listen to music for hours every single day. It would be heartbreaking if music was suddenly gone. Yes, devices are the “best” way to access music but I’d debate on that. If you go to certain parts of the world you see that people group around artists just performing in the street. That is music that can be enjoyed by many. Even if electronic devices didn’t exist I would most likely go out more in my free time just to go listen to someone play music. I’m not picky when it comes to music so I could just go out and listen to whatever music. Music is a way that you can connect people together. For example, you can make friends with people who like similar music. Another good example is weddings. Music is usually played during a wedding and it usually is something personal or just normal wedding music. People even express their feelings through music which makes it more meaningful for those people. That is why I could not live without music. 

The author's comments:

I have listened to music for almost my entire life. I never knew how much it impacted me till I stopped listening to music for a long period. When I started listening to music again I became so much happier and eventually started to improve myself. 

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