Open Door | Teen Ink

Open Door

September 15, 2023
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m still, unable to move as I stare at the beautiful door to the entrance of my new school. It looks just like the way I thought it would, simple with a small heart in the middle. I take a deep breath and look behind me at the car driving off. My mother, dropping me, hoping I find my place. My body tight with nerves, trying to coil into itself like a snake. I slowly pick up my foot and take a small step forward. I take another deep breath and count to 3.


I take a larger step this time, shortening the distance between me and the door that opens to a new environment. I take another breath, but this time I don’t count. Instead, I close my eyes and imagine I’m about to start a new book, opening the cover; about to go dive into a world where reality doesn’t exist. Where I feel at home, between the pages of a book, the smell reminding me of sitting by the fire, tea in one hand, and book in the other. With that thought in mind, I take the last few steps, reaching the giant door, opening it. Not just opening that door, but also opening the door to a new beginning.

The author's comments:

One of my creative writing prompts from class that I love.

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