Scoliosis Visual Poem | Teen Ink

Scoliosis Visual Poem

July 22, 2023
By SnowLeopardThatWrites GOLD, Miami, Florida
SnowLeopardThatWrites GOLD, Miami, Florida
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment


                                             The curving of my spine,

                                               yields the spinning of my mind.

                                                 The aching of my chest,

                                                    Oh, I wish it’d let me rest.

                                                      Heart attack-like pains,

                                                     I wish I could take over the reins.

                                                   I need spinal fusion surgery?

                                                 Will it let me leave this purgatory?

                                               I’m scared to go under the knife,

                                            But I can’t further endure this strife.



                                           Silence…I can’t hear the agony.

                                            Relieved that’s no longer a part of me. 

                                             The scars both mental and physical,

                                                 my peace, it’s almost whimsical.

The author's comments:

   My visual poem is structured to represent the scoliosis vertebrae that were considered to be affected by my scoliosis. Scoliosis is essentially the unnatural curvature of your spine.

   It can present as an S or C-shaped curve and differs in severity. A 0˚-10˚ curve is considered normal,  10˚-25˚ is slightly concerning, 25˚-40˚ is considered moderate and requires a brace and close observation, and a 40˚-60˚+ curve is considered the surgery range.

   I had a 50˚ and 51˚ S-shaped curve, on the T3-L4 vertebrae. For this reason, the first part of the poem, Torment stands for the Thoracic spine, and contains 10 lines. Liberation stands for the Lumbar spine and includes 4 lines.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 30 2023 at 12:53 pm
SnowLeopardThatWrites GOLD, Miami, Florida
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment
@caucasiangirl I was 16 too when I discovered my scoliosis was severe. I talked to my doctor, and he said that backpacks nor sitting for prolonged periods were the cause of my scoliosis, but that it was hereditary for me! Either way, I promise you it's not your fault :)

on Jul. 28 2023 at 3:04 am
AmiVernal SILVER, Krasnodar, Other
6 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
'A year from now you may wish you had started today' Karen Lamb

I understand you very well, I have the scoliosis too and it is a real torment. Sometimes I feel pain in my chest or in the back, and I'm only 16! I wish I had listened to my mom when I had been a child and hadn't been sitting at a desk for so long. I hope you feel good now!