A Cure | Teen Ink

A Cure

July 1, 2023
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

There are painful and powerless fragments in my life, many of which cannot be solved, or solved within a short time. I can only leave them all to time. But these pains will not go away completely: they will invade my life like a rainstorm. Sometimes, it is untraceable: when I play happily, it suddenly begins to lightning and thunder, which scares me to the ground. Sometimes, it is predictable: when I see the dark clouds, I shiver and wait anxiously for the storm to end.

I can't be knocked down by life, and I can't throw myself into infinite tears. So, I started searching for an outlet, or a cure that would temporarily heal the pain.

Writing, TV drama, and dreaming are the best medicine I have. When I type the words, I become less painful; When I watch the TV drama, I temporarily escape the reality; When I am dreaming, I meet old friends who I have not seen for a long time.

I survive again.

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